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Because of continuous growth in the demand for the services provided by the Crisis Center, we have a need for additional conscientious and reliable volunteers.

Are you looking for a special opportunity:

  • To know that you can make a real difference in the lives of individuals?
  • To assist individuals at a time when they may be feeling desperate, frustrated and fearful?
  • To meet and work with volunteers who value all people, regardless of their situation in life?

If this opportunity appeals to you, please fill out our application.

Requirements & Responsibilities

Each program comes with inherent requirements and responsibilities. Please click on the program for which you’re interested in volunteering to learn more about what to expect.

Upcoming Training

Please note that attendance at all training classes is essential, and make-up classes for absences are very difficult to arrange. Speak with your Program Coordinator before the onset of training if you believe you might have to miss any of the sessions.

Some volunteer training programs are offered on an ongoing basis, however, the majority of training is scheduled four times a year.

*Attendance is important at all classes. Please speak with your Program Coordinator before the onset of training if you believe you might have to miss any sessions.

Next Training Dates:

Program Specific Sessions

Crisis and Suicide Line:

CSL volunteer training is available on the last Wednesday of every month. If this doesn’t work for your schedule, reach out to [email protected] to set up a time that does.

Rape Response:


Senior Talk Line:


Youth Talk Line:


Training Materials


Type of position I'm applying for:(Required)
I prefer to be contacted by:(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Education Level(Required)
Let us know if you were referred by a current or former volunteer so we can thank them!
Have you used Crisis Center Services in the past year?(Required)
Have you ever applied or trained to be a Crisis Center volunteer?(Required)

Are you able to commit to a year of service (2-4 shifts a month)(Required)

Does your support system know and approve of you doing this kind of work?(Required)

Do you, or someone close to you, have a history of substance use or mental illness?(Required)
(Check all that apply)
Have you, or someone close to you, made a suicide attempt?(Required)
(Check all that apply)
Have you, or someone you're close to, experienced sexual assault or abuse?(Required)
(Check all that apply)
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?(Required)
Are you currently seeing a mental health professional for services, and if so, are you able to get a letter stating that you are able to do crisis work?(Required)
Please select the program you'd like to apply for:(Required)


With the higher demand for the Centers's services, we have a need for additional conscientious and reliable volunteers.


The work of the Crisis Center is made possible through the generous contributions of caring individuals like you.

Phone Numbers

Crisis & Suicide Line: (205) 458-3371
Rape Response: (205) 458-8993

New Location



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